* Design : Tailored Twig Video Book Promo //

* Recently designed a nifty video book promo ( that fits right in on my shelf of books ) for the amazing Darin Bahl owner/creative guru at Tailored Twig Floral and Design Studio. Darin commissioned me to create his brand way back in 2012 and he has been an inspiration/pleasure to collaborate with ever since building out the brand as his business has blossomed. See everything from letterpress business cards/tags and engraved letterhead to custom brass and steel signage in the Tailored Twig case study on my site. Since the beginning his loyal companion Winthrop has been our muse and shows up prominently in the film Darin produced for this piece with an embedded screen featuring the film and a slide show complete with sound and controls. This beautiful, innovative and interactive piece is definitely a unique, memorable way to tell their story//


* Design : New Funnel Commercial Art Brand //

* New Funnel Commercial Art brand in the works ( short run of test cards with metallic gold from moo.com ) custom die-cut metal cards to come! — funnel.tv in transition and more fun stuff and new work on the way in the new year! //


* Design : Brand in Hand – The Art of the Business Card Book //

* A few years ago, after being published in a stack of books over the years, I was honored and excited to be commissioned by Rockport publishers to author/design/edit the tenth installment of their Best of Business Card Design series. Unfortunately after retitling and designing the book, gathering, editing and photographing business card submissions from around the world and asking several experienced high profile designers to contribute essays about business cards the project was permanently shelved. I’ve always thought the book was going to be amazing and wish some form of it could still happen. Featured in these layouts are business cards that I’ve designed over the years that are all part of comprehensive branding/identity commissions. Below is the the introduction I wrote:


Connection: We all desire it. Whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or intellectual, personally and professionally, we all need it. Online communication is somewhat of a connection contradiction—sharing intensely but from a distance. We reveal ourselves with ease and efficiency like never before but from behind a screen—wonderful in-depth dialogues and relationships without the limitations of proximity or time but neglecting nuance and palpability. 

A hunger for multidimensional, sensual experiences to enhance and balance our digital life has awakened an appreciation for nostalgic and specialty printing processes, injecting a sense of humanity in the form of wonderful imperfections, limitations, and quirks. From silk-screened concert posters to letterpress printed business cards, hand-crafted printing provides a tangible and physical connection to the communications mix. Ironically, the sharing of photos of finely printed materials online has helped to inspire and educate the public on the variety of printing options available. 

Affordable, easy-to-use technology and access to create and distribute on a global scale has broken down most of the barriers that were previously points of differentiation, creating a saturated market. So what do we have left? Us, brand in hand—the exclusivity of the individual or organization, each one unique and wonderful in its own way. This has never been more apparent or relevant than now when we have access to so many technologies new and old, virtual and physical, with the ability to express our individuality while building communities of understanding. 

The cards selected for this book are tactile objects of desire developed with unique materials, processes, or content creating immersive, personal experiences triggering memories, emotions, and communication that tell a larger story and unquestionably make a connection.” _Eric Kass //


* Design : Big Pile of Business Cards Designed by Eric Kass //

* Pictured are a few older examples of the many business cards I’ve designed over the years. Each represents one small piece of more comprehensive branding/identity systems. I love experimenting with substrates and printing processes to create truly memorable work. Used here are varying weights and types of paper, canvas, metal, and plastic featuring offset lithography, letter press, silkscreen, engraving, embossing, rubber/foil stamping and die-cutting. The tactical production process and materials not only grab attention but become an integral part of informing the design and telling each unique brand narrative// » click photo to enlarge «


* Design : Bigger Picture Show 8 - How to Succeed... Poster //

* Excited to have been invited to participate in the 8th annual Bigger Picture Show recreating the movie poster for How To Succeed in Business without Really Trying. The 1967 musical comedy and motto has always reminded me to let go and have fun with my work and business. This years show theme 8 TRAX celebrated movies with music. Posters were available by silent auction at the 1899 in Central State Village on Friday, May 12, with all proceeds benefiting the Indy Film Fest. The Bigger Picture Show is an annual fundraiser created and curated by Lodge Design to support a shared experience around film//


* Travel : The Switzerland of North America //

* Took a wintery January trip to Denver, Colorado to start off 2017 and meet with the talented Lauren Condell to work on a new, unique, artisanal food delivery brand that is coming soon! Between meetings had a chance to explore Denver shooting photos of vintage signs and scouring vintage stores searching for inspiration. Also had the pleasure of meeting Madeleine, the owner & creative curator extraordinaire of the boutique Sub Rosa Mercantile in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Denver. //

1. Trip Ephemera + Souvenirs
2. Union Station, Denver, Colorado
3. Vintage Brown Palace Hotel matchbook, Denver, Colorado
4 – 6. Sub Rosa Merchantile, Sunnyside, Denver, Colorado
7.  The Mayan Theatre, Denver, Colorado
8. Lakeside Park Amusement Park, Denver Colorado
9 – 12.  Vintage Signage Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado
13. Bluebird Theater, Denver, Colorado
14. The Denver Turnverein, Denver, Colorado  


* Design : The Best Things in Life Aren’t Things //

* Excited to be included again by long time friend Fabien Barral ( aka Mr. Cup ) to design a page with quote provided in his 2017 Letterpress Calendar – The Creative Manifesto. The calendar was letterpress printed in France at Studio Pression, can be purchased in the Mr. Cup Shop and features work by a dozen awesome artists. Letterpress plate photo by Fabien Barral //